月曜日, 12月 26, 2022



InBox: pending log


OutBox: I worked with B1CRA, not BH1TSU.


Please check your OutBox. I received a RST -15, not a 599.


OutBox: I worked with SO200IL, not SP8EEX.

It is listed in the SO200IL log

SO200IL: Page managed by SP8EEX 

p.s. SO200IL logs were added today. I rejected the SP8EEX log.

InBox: SO200IL logs were added today.


The 12m log is missing, did you delete it?

OutBox: It's in my log.

OK2-9329: RST=579?

 RST欄が579のSWLレポートが届きました。 RST: 579 RSTコード:  R 了解度(readability) S 信号強度(signal strength) T 電信での音調(tone、T) FT8ではSN比のdBをRST欄に記入します。SWLでは具体的にどのような...